Reiki Tradition
Welcome to
School of Reiki

The Therapy Rooms, The home of Reiki Tradition.
We are a Healing and Training Centre and School of Reiki
based in the picturesque village of Springhead, Oldham in Lancashire.
"Where you become a Happier Healthier You"

Reiki Tradition School of Reiki have over 40 years’ experience working solely with Reiki and are committed to preserving and conserving Reiki in its traditional form and entirety.
Specialising in the Usui Shiki Ryoho System of Natural Healing.
Reiki Tradition are the leading and original 1st Accredited Reiki Training Provider and School of Reiki in the Northwest of England, since December 2015.
Accredited, Certified and Verified by the leading organisations.
Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT), the Complementary Health Professionals (CHP), Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) and the Reiki Council (RC).
Rest assured, Selecting Reiki Tradition School of Reiki as your Reiki Training Provider, you will be receiving the very best training within the Reiki Industry
Reiki Tradition value the importance of teaching to high standards and sharing the infinite knowledge of the Usui Shiki Ryoho System of Natural Healing to all. Student's attend our courses from all over the UK Oldham, Stockport, Rochdale, Lancashire, Sheffield, North Wales
and as far north as Lancaster, Kendal and Barrow in Cumbria, Scotland, Ireland and Wales.
Contact us now if you require any assistance choosing the right course for you. We are here to Help.
Reiki Tradition School of Reiki 'Stand up for Standards'
Website Last Updated 10th February 2025
Courses available at Reiki Tradition
The Dr Usui system of training was developed to be given in three distinct stages:
1st Degree, 2nd Degree, and 3rd Degree,
We honour and respect the Usui Shiki Ryoho System of Natural Healing.
The full details of each course are structured as per the links below.
Reiki Tradition the original and 1st Accredited Reiki Training provider in the North West of England. Unlike others, we solely specialise in the Usui Shiki Ryoho system of natural Healing. With other 40 years experience you can rest assured when attending any of our Reiki courses you are receiving the very best training within the Reiki Industry.
Accredited by the Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT) Number 192212
Accredited by the Complimentary Health Professionals (CHP) Number CHP770
Verified Accredited Training Provider Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) Number CNHC07712
Verified Accredited Training Provider Reiki Council (RC)
All our courses meet the syllabus standards, of the
Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF)
Ofqual Level Descriptor (8)
Core Curriculum (CC)
National Occupational Standards (NOS)
The Code of Conduct set out by the FHT and
Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC).
Complementary Health Professionals (CHP)
Reiki Council (RC)
Additional Specific National Occupational Standards for Animal Healing Course
FHT Members Gain CPD Points by attending any of our courses
Reiki 1st Degree gain 19 CPD points
Reiki 2nd Degree gain 29 CPD points
Reiki 3rd Degree gain 29 CPD points
Accredited Reiki Practitioner gain 940 CPD points
Reiki is a non-intrusive, gentle and relaxing healing method, Reiki is not a religion and Reiki is available to everyone. Anyone can learn this gentle method of healing. If you would like to learn Reiki just for yourself or perhaps you want to train to become a Qualified Reiki Practitioner, then we have the correct course and way of training for you. You may choose to learn Reiki for your own personal use which is a great tool to use for relaxation and healing for yourself, friends and family, pets and animals or maybe you would like to work in a professional capacity in a professional environment such as Hospitals, Hospices or Care homes. Maybe you are already working as a Reiki Practitioner in these environments and still require Accreditation, then our Reiki Practitioner course is for you.
Reiki Tradition have set an easy to use learning structure, which is flexible for you, so you can learn when you are ready and at a steady pace. We also offer a unique payment plan where you have the options to pay in one go or as each section is reached.
Reiki Tradition became an Accredited Reiki Training Provider on the 22nd December 2015. We are proud to offer Accreditation Standard to all our students and we are proud to offer the new style qualification in Reiki training: the ’Reiki Practitioner Course’, which is a qualification to practice Reiki as a practitioner and leads to the Reiki Practitioner Course Diploma certification. The accreditation from the FHT confirms that the course meets the required number of hours, Attunements, content, case studies and treatments as specified by the Core Curriculum and the NOS. Those wishing to work within NHS Hospital environments, or hospices are increasingly being required to have trained to this recognised level.
The Reiki Community are constantly working together to review content and minimum standards in Reiki training. A new Core Curriculum for Reiki was published in July 2017 by the CNHC. This Core Curriculum was first published in 2007 (revised in 2008, 2012 and in 2017). The Core Curriculum sets minimum standards for Reiki training and is inclusive of the NOS and the RQF. The Core Curriculum sets minimum number of contact hours which you should have with your tutor, the number of case studies, treatments and practical observations you should undertake and all relevant course content.
If you are considering Reiki for yourself to use in a non-professional environment, then you do not require an Accreditation. Our non-accredited Reiki 1st and 2nd Degree courses will meet your needs. You will receive a Standard Certificate stating that you have attained the Reiki 1st or 2nd Degree Level. This is not classed as an ‘Accredited’ course and the certificate will not stipulate ‘Accredited’.
If you are considering Reiki training for professional use, then our set course structure ’Reiki Practitioner Course’ which is inclusive of Reiki 1st and 2nd Degree is the course you require. As a result of this course you will become an Accredited Qualified Reiki Practitioner and our Accredited Qualification Diploma certification will be presented on completion. Our Reiki Practitioner Course is classed as an academic degree in Reiki. This training takes place over a minimum period of 9 months.
The Reiki Practitioner Course consists of 65 hours of guided learning / contact hours with your Reiki Master and the completion of 75 documented Reiki treatments on others, 100 documented treatments on yourself (self or received) and 5 practical observations.
We look forward to seeing you on one of our courses - Call Us Now!
Please note that you CANNOT achieve a Reiki Degree over the internet. A lot of websites offer Reiki Training which specify you can ‘become a reiki practitioner / healer’. Becoming a Reiki Practitioner requires the student to be initiated by Attunements from a Reiki Master. This is an ancient process which is impossible to be done over the internet. Such websites are misleading and are just after your money!
At Reiki Tradition we are committed to passing on the Dr Usui system of healing correctly to all our students’ in its ancient form and teaching the correct symbols. Our overall advice is to check any Reiki Master's qualifications to make sure they have not been achieved via an online course.