Reiki Tradition
Welcome to
School of Reiki

The Therapy Rooms, The home of Reiki Tradition.
We are a Healing and Training Centre and School of Reiki
based in the picturesque village of Springhead, Oldham in Lancashire.
"Where you become a Happier Healthier You"

Reiki Tradition School of Reiki have over 40 years’ experience working solely with Reiki and are committed to preserving and conserving Reiki in its traditional form and entirety.
Specialising in the Usui Shiki Ryoho System of Natural Healing.
Reiki Tradition are the leading and original 1st Accredited Reiki Training Provider and School of Reiki in the Northwest of England, since December 2015.
Accredited, Certified and Verified by the leading organisations.
Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT), the Complementary Health Professionals (CHP), Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) and the Reiki Council (RC).
Rest assured, Selecting Reiki Tradition School of Reiki as your Reiki Training Provider, you will be receiving the very best training within the Reiki Industry
Reiki Tradition value the importance of teaching to high standards and sharing the infinite knowledge of the Usui Shiki Ryoho System of Natural Healing to all. Student's attend our courses from all over the UK Oldham, Stockport, Rochdale, Lancashire, Sheffield, North Wales
and as far north as Lancaster, Kendal and Barrow in Cumbria, Scotland, Ireland and Wales.
Contact us now if you require any assistance choosing the right course for you. We are here to Help.
Reiki Tradition School of Reiki 'Stand up for Standards'
Website Last Updated 10th February 2025
Reiki Tradition School of Reiki
'Your in safe Hands'

Reiki Tradition have over 40 years experience in the Traditional Reiki Healing system 'Usui Shiki Ryoho System of Natural Healing'. We do not offer any other therapies we only specialise in Reiki 24/7 365 days per year. We believe in honouring this traditional healing system in its entirety to all our clients. Working solely with just Reiki, we can Guarantee clients are getting the very best.
Further to our commitment to all our clients we are Accredited since December 2015 our Accreditors are the:
Federation of Holistic Therapist (FHT)
Complementary Health Professionals (CHP)
We are also Certified and Verified by the leading Organisations:
Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)
Reiki Council (RC)
Rest assured when you book a Reiki Treatment at Reiki Tradition School of Reiki your are in the best and safe Hands Possible. Reiki Tradition 'Stand up for Standards'.
What is Reiki ??
Reiki is the ancient art of healing by touch. Reiki is a Japanese word (REI-KI). REI means ‘Universal’ and KI means life-force energy’. The word Reiki is pronounced ‘Ray-Key’; therefore, Reiki is ‘Universal life-force energy’.
Reiki is a method of channelling life-force energy to address not only physical disorders but also heal emotional and spiritual issues. It is a practice that works on the Mind, Body and Spirit. Reiki is not a religion. The use of Reiki energy can be traced back for thousands of years, spanning many diverse cultures and civilisations. It was reintroduced in its present form in the late 19th Century after many years of dedicated research by Dr Mikao Usui, who was a Japanese Christian educator.
Reiki flows through every living thing since it is the universal life-force energy. However, what makes this system of healing different from others is the process of ‘Attunements’ which the student experiences during their Reiki training. The Attunements are a very ancient process for fine-tuning the physical and etheric bodies to a higher vibrational level and opening a purified channel in the body for the energy to pass through. Once this channel is opened through the Attunement process it will remain open for the person's lifetime. The Reiki energy is activated simply by the intent to use it.
During a treatment, Reiki is not sent to the healer, it is drawn through the body of the practitioner from the Universal Energy source. The energy moves through the purified channel within the healer, firstly transmuting any negativity or blocks within the practitioner thus ensuring that they never pass any negativity onto the recipient. As a result, the healer is never ‘drained’ during the process of giving a treatment. The more we use and work with the energy the greater the flow and strength of this energy. One of the many benefits of Reiki is the ability to self-heal.