Reiki Tradition
Welcome to
School of Reiki

The Therapy Rooms, The home of Reiki Tradition.
We are a Healing and Training Centre and School of Reiki
based in the picturesque village of Springhead, Oldham in Lancashire.
"Where you become a Happier Healthier You"

Reiki Tradition School of Reiki have over 40 years’ experience working solely with Reiki and are committed to preserving and conserving Reiki in its traditional form and entirety.
Specialising in the Usui Shiki Ryoho System of Natural Healing.
Reiki Tradition are the leading and original 1st Accredited Reiki Training Provider and School of Reiki in the Northwest of England, since December 2015.
Accredited, Certified and Verified by the leading organisations.
Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT), the Complementary Health Professionals (CHP), Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) and the Reiki Council (RC).
Rest assured, Selecting Reiki Tradition School of Reiki as your Reiki Training Provider, you will be receiving the very best training within the Reiki Industry
Reiki Tradition value the importance of teaching to high standards and sharing the infinite knowledge of the Usui Shiki Ryoho System of Natural Healing to all. Student's attend our courses from all over the UK Oldham, Stockport, Rochdale, Lancashire, Sheffield, North Wales
and as far north as Lancaster, Kendal and Barrow in Cumbria, Scotland, Ireland and Wales.
Contact us now if you require any assistance choosing the right course for you. We are here to Help.
Reiki Tradition School of Reiki 'Stand up for Standards'
Website Last Updated 10th February 2025
2nd Degree Reiki Course
If you require to book a course, and need a different option to pay the deposit then please contact us. We can offer different ways to pay.
Time duration of course 15 hours (over 2 days)
A further 4 Attunements
The passing and memorising of 3 Reiki Symbols
The technique and practise of distance healing
Learning the hidden elements
Professional working Standards
Keeping Records and GDPR
Working in clinical environments
Gain CPD Points by attending this course
This course complies with the following standards:
Core Curriculum (CC)
Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF)
Ofqual Level Descriptor (8)
National Occupational Standards (NOS)
Code of Conduct set out by the FHT
Complementary Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)
Complementary Health Professionals (CHP)
Reiki Council (RC)
Prerequisites: Reiki 1st Degree.
An insight about the Teacher:

10th generation Reiki Master
over 40 years’ Experience with Reiki
Solely Specialises in Reiki and no other therapies (Usui Shiki Ryoho System of Natural Healing)
Specialises in Integrated Healthcare with Reiki
Holds a Level 3 Teaching Qualification
Speaker/Lecturer Supporting the Federation of Holistic Therapist (FHT) (with Reiki)
Coordinator for the Manchester North local support group (for the FHT)
Works with Age UK Manchester Dementia clients (with Reiki)
Works supporting Oldham NHS Amputee Day Care Unit (with Reiki)
Works with supporting Reiki at all local Hospitals and Hospices in Oldham and surrounding Areas. Training all current Reiki Practitioners to an Accredited level to the Core Curriculum.
Works with Jane Tomlinson-Wightman Safe Active Birth Kendal. Teaching midwives to an Accredited level to the Core Curriculum. To allow them to work with Reiki in a NHS Environment.
This course is our standard Reiki 2nd Degree course and can be used for students who just require Reiki for self, friends and family or animals. This course also forms part of our Reiki Practitioner Course for students requiring an Accredited Reiki Qualification.
In 2nd Degree Reiki you receive a further 4 Attunements. At this stage of the training, the energy Attunement is greatly amplified and its’ focus is on the etheric body rather than the physical. Those of you who have made any study of the human energy system will be aware that our etheric body vibrates at a frequency much higher than the denser energy of the physical body. As a result of this Attunement, students often develop both a greater sensitivity to energy and their physic awareness. During the 2nd Degree you will be introduced and attuned to the 3 energy keys or Symbols. These Symbols are used as a focus to enable you to strengthen mental and emotional healing and to send absent / distant healing. A large part of the training for this degree is centred on the understanding and the use of these Symbols. Students are encouraged to both use and experience the use of these Symbols on themselves. Emphasis is also placed further, to recognise the powerful effect that symbolism has on the unconscious mind. Techniques are taught to enable you to:
Focus energy to release emotional and mental blocks
Focus your mind to send Reiki energy beyond time and space and thus bring about effective absent / distant healing.
An understanding of the language of symbolism and the powerful effect it has on the unconscious mind is also discussed. The symbols used are three of the four sacred symbols which Dr Usui discovered during his lengthy research and are therefore esoteric in nature. It is through initiation that your connection to the symbols is strengthened. Reiki students are asked to honour their sacred nature and not to disclose them to non-Reiki initiates.
Please note certain criteria must be allowed for students booking Courses. A further 12 months must elapse from completing Reiki 2nd Degree to starting Reiki 3rd Degree.
To View our Non-Accredited Reiki Course Terms and Conditions please click the PDF
To View our Accredited Reiki Course Terms and Conditions please click the PDF
You can enrol on our 2nd Degree Reiki Course simply by contacting us,
or selecting the ‘Book Course’ at the bottom of this page. Or simply click here
Our next 2nd Degree Reiki courses showing availability are:
March 15th 16th 2025
May 10th 11th 2025
10.00am until 5.45pm To View Courses Click here
The cost of this 2 day Non-Accredited course is only £95 - a deposit of £19 is required to secure any place.
If you require a Accredited Qualification Reiki Course, please select (Upcoming Courses) above, then select Accredited Reiki Courses, or simply click HERE
You can easily view, save or print our 2024 course calendar.
simply click HERE for 2024 dates
You can easily view, save or print our 2025 course calendar.
simply click HERE for 2025 dates
Reiki Tradition continues to maintain the highest level of training standards within the Reiki Industry.
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