Reiki Tradition
Welcome to
School of Reiki

The Therapy Rooms, The home of Reiki Tradition.
We are a Healing and Training Centre and School of Reiki
based in the picturesque village of Springhead, Oldham in Lancashire.
"Where you become a Happier Healthier You"

Reiki Tradition School of Reiki have over 40 years’ experience working solely with Reiki and are committed to preserving and conserving Reiki in its traditional form and entirety.
Specialising in the Usui Shiki Ryoho System of Natural Healing.
Reiki Tradition are the leading and original 1st Accredited Reiki Training Provider and School of Reiki in the Northwest of England, since December 2015.
Accredited, Certified and Verified by the leading organisations.
Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT), the Complementary Health Professionals (CHP), Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) and the Reiki Council (RC).
Rest assured, Selecting Reiki Tradition School of Reiki as your Reiki Training Provider, you will be receiving the very best training within the Reiki Industry
Reiki Tradition value the importance of teaching to high standards and sharing the infinite knowledge of the Usui Shiki Ryoho System of Natural Healing to all. Student's attend our courses from all over the UK Oldham, Stockport, Rochdale, Lancashire, Sheffield, North Wales
and as far north as Lancaster, Kendal and Barrow in Cumbria, Scotland, Ireland and Wales.
Contact us now if you require any assistance choosing the right course for you. We are here to Help.
Reiki Tradition School of Reiki 'Stand up for Standards'
Website Last Updated 10th February 2025

Integrated Medicine initiative
Currently in the UK we have voluntary self-regulation for complementary therapies i.e.. it is not compulsory. It is the person doing the Reiki who is regulated, not the Reiki itself, i.e.. it is how they work and their interaction with the general public.
In February 1996, HRH Prince Charles proposed the Integrated Medicine initiative to encourage orthodox and complementary healthcare to work together within the NHS for the benefit of the British public. For this to happen, complementary therapies were required to be self-regulated and to develop robust systems to ensure high standards of practice and levels of care, to bring them in line with other healthcare professionals who are also expected to hold nationally recognised qualifications. The regulation of complementary therapies is about ensuring the professionalism and minimum standard of training and knowledge of a Complementary Therapist, and therefore ensuring safety and reassurance for members of the public seeking complementary therapies. General Medical Council (GMC) Guidance confirms that Doctors are able to refer clients to practitioners on Accredited Registers. One of the main regulators of complementary therapies in the UK is the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council - the (CNHC). In order to be eligible to join a regulator such as the CNHC, Reiki students need to complete Reiki training which meets the standards of the new core curriculum.
The House of Lords Science and Technology Committee report on Complementary Therapies in 2000 advised that voluntary self-regulation be introduced for Complementary Therapies. As a result of this, 12 different therapy groups where invited by the then Prince of Wales Foundation of Integrated Health (PWFIH), to be involved with the consultation and process towards voluntary self- regulation. This went through a ‘Federal Working Group" and culminated in the introduction of the CNHC as one regularity body, although others have subsequently been formed.
Please note that you CANNOT achieve a Accredited Reiki Qualification Degree over the internet. A lot of websites offer Reiki Training which specify you can ‘Become an Accredited Reiki Practitioner / healer’. Becoming an Accredited Reiki Practitioner firstly and mostly, requires the student to undergo a set certain amount of Teacher Present training hours (65), followed by in depth home study work of case studies (175), of which a number have to be observed, person present treatments. Such websites can be misleading so always be carful.
At Reiki Tradition we are committed to passing on the Dr Usui system of healing on correctly to all our students’ in its correct, ancient form and teaching the correct symbols. Our overall advice is to check any Reiki Master's qualifications to make sure it has not been carried out as an online course.
What are National Occupational Standards (NOS)?
For Reiki Practitioners requiring to work professional either in a Hospital, Hospice, care home offering treatments to the general public, then you would be required to hold an Accredited Qualification in Reiki There are now National Occupational Standards (NOS) for Reiki practitioners who are offering Reiki treatments to the public. NOS give you guidance on the minimum level of knowledge, understanding and training for a professional Reiki practitioner. They have been developed to be appropriate for all styles of Reiki. They are specifically about practitioner skills and knowledge not about Reiki itself. Being trained to these high standards will assist and Reiki practitioner wanting to work either paid or voluntary in any professional environment Hospitals, Care homes and Hospices.
The NOS for Reiki were developed by Skills for Health and Reiki practitioners working together. Skills for Health is the Sector Skills Council (SSC) for the UK health sector. Its purpose is to help the whole sector develop solutions that deliver a skilled and flexible UK workforce in order to improve health and healthcare.
National Occupational Standards (NOS) are statements of competence and are written to measure outcomes. NOS describe best practice.
In 2009 the revision of NOS for Complementary and National Healthcare was completed, under the guidance of skills for Health. There was extensive consultation with the public and practitioners, and representatives from 12 different therapy groups worked on the revisions over a 12 month period. These standards where currently revised in 2019.
The National Occupational Standards for Reiki are included within these revisions, and are made up of three separate competencies, the first two of which are common to all therapy groups, and the third one being specifically for Reiki. The competencies, all of which would need to be achieved, may be downloaded from the website www.skillsforhealth.org.uk who own copyright of the competences.
Core Curriculum (CC)
A full set of the standards are also available for download from the skills for health website at www.skillsforhealth.org.uk
“Those teaching Reiki should be qualified Reiki master teachers. It is recommended that anyone teaching Reiki should have used Reiki for a minimum period of twelve months, as it is our view that to teach one should have sufficient experience of using Reiki on oneself and on others. If teaching to the National Occupational Standards then Reiki master teachers should be familiar with the ethos of NOS in general, and have a working understanding of the NOS for Reiki”.
Teaching Reiki to National Occupational Standards.
There are minimum requirements that Reiki master teachers should hold formal teaching qualifications to teach Reiki to National Occupational Standards (NOS). There may be other implications for those wishing to access standards. Those teaching Reiki to Accredited Qualification standard and (NOS) should be a qualified Reiki master teachers with minimum 4 years experience, and hold a minimum level three teachers qualification. It is recommended that anyone assisting teaching Reiki should have used Reiki for a minimum period of twelve months, it is also recommended that any Reiki master teacher wanting to obtain Accredited status should have taught Reiki for a period of no less then 4 years, as it is our view that to teach one should have sufficient experience of using Reiki on oneself and on others. If teaching to the National Occupational Standards then teachers should be familiar with the ethos of NOS in general, and have a working understanding of the NOS for Reiki.
If teaching on an accredited course, then the awarding body will stipulate what qualifications are required usually those of an assessor. Teachers are usually able to undertake assessor qualifications “on the job” and are given sufficient time to gain the awards.
However, for those teaching none-accredited courses, but who would like to be able to make reasonable assessments of competence against standards, we would recommend teachers are familiar with the major aspects of assessing. It is not mandatory for any Reiki master teacher to become qualified as an assessor at the present time, but is something which some may wish to think about for the future.
The most important thing is that the teacher is familiar with the National Occupational Standards for Reiki, and has an understanding of the core curriculum, and is able to incorporate all requirements into their teaching.
If teaching individuals who want Reiki for personal or family use only, the recommendations do not apply unless the teacher wishes to use them.
Reiki Tradition became a Accredited Reiki Training Provider assessor in December 2015. We still remain the original 1st Accredited Reiki training provider in the North West of England, accreditation is held with the Federation of Holistic Therapist (FHT).
Finally For those who work solely with animals, and want to work either in Veterinary surgeries, animal shelters or homes, Accreditation to the Core Curriculum will now often be asked for.
To view the Core Curriculum for Reiki please use the below Link.